As per ECHA or European Chemicals Agency, all companies manufacturing or importing chemical substance in the EU required complying with REACH registration.
The regulation ensures that ECHA has a clear picture of the types and quantities of chemical substances that are being traded or manufactured in the EU.
Furthermore, only companies or individuals that have a legal presence in Europe are qualified to fulfill the REACH regulations. Non-EU companies are required to appoint a REACH Only representative who can complete the REACH registration on their behalf.
CAPLINQ, being an expert in chemicals and plastics, offers REACH consulting services, which allows non EU companies to learn all about REACH regulations and how they can comply with the same. CAPLINQ REACH consulting services for European companies for ensuring effective compliance.
Benefits of CAPLINQ’S REACH Consulting Services
For new companies that are just entering the European markets, figuring out REACH registration can be complicated and overwhelming. CAPLINQ REACH consulting services ensure that all your queries regarding the registration process are answered to utmost satisfaction, without any additional expenses. This will help you understand the process and effectively comply with the mandatory REACH regulations for smooth trading of chemicals and products in EU.
Apart from having a strong understanding of REACH regulations, CAPLINQ also boasts of extensive knowledge in the field of specialty chemicals and plastic. Plus, we have developed a system of techniques and resources to get the required information on chemical substances quickly. Our customers can leverage both our experience and industry knowledge to ensure complete compliance. You will have unlimited access to REACH specialists to guide you regarding REACH Only Representative services, Safety Data sheets and Pre-registration services.
REACH registration under ECHA is broad and far-reaching. Clients might face difficulty under some complex REACH registration cases when the chemical substance composition is slightly different from those already registered or perhaps when clients have some important data that needs to be included in technical REACH registration dossier. In such cases, CAPLINQ REACH consulting services can provide you professional advice and help determine the benefits and drawbacks of all possible options.
CAPLINQ’s REACH consulting services are also very helpful in case of complex REACH article compliance. For instance, plastic packing is one aspect of chemical substances that most of the foreign companies don’t consider. Other than that, articles like flooring, clothing, newspaper, furniture and jewelry also need to follow REACH regulations. CAPLINQ is familiar with registration of complex articles under REACH and can help its customers be compliant with the regulations.
Still got questions about CAPLINQ REACH Consulting Services? Visit our website or Contact Us directly and we will answer all your queries regarding REACH Only Representatives.